I have still 2 chapters of politics and one chapter of journalism to read, my article to finish (an interview tomorrow morning to prepare for, the rest to linear-ize and pare down, I am beyond my word count) - my politics 300 word analysis thingie to write (I don't know!), a Czech worksheet to finish... and I want to sleep so bad and the debate is in an hour and 20 minutes and I can't decide whether it is more moral to watch it or not to (it's a town hall style, so probably, not to).
Good news is that, as long as I do my Prague Art & Architecture project on Thursday, this may be the last night I am up this late this semester doing homework.
Maybe I will just go to bed now, do
everything between classes tomorrow, and hope that the world doesn't mind if I am half-assing?
This is helping me procrastinate. :)
I hate half-assing, but I love the things I do instead of stuff. Go Ange!
I kind of enjoy staying up all night if work demands it. It's being awake when the birds start chirping in the morning... *ick*.
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