The answer is no, you can't.
I had three midterms - Media & Democracy, Czech, and East/Central European politics. They were all ridiculous and not too hard. A bit upsetting that they weren't what was advertised, and thus not what I studied for... but it'll be fine, moving on, moving on.
I didn't tell you about this weekend: it was nice, we went to Cesky Krumlov, which is a UNESCO-protected heritage town. Very pretty. That's pretty much what it was. Pretty. Look at our happy faces blocking the view of the pretty town.
After that trip, I studied and studied until about 2 hours ago when I went in for my last midterm, and now I'm done.
We had a guest speaker in Media & Democracy on Monday - a former reporter for Radio Free Europe who talked to us about how the current state of Europe can be best interpreted whilst remembering the history (Hitler and Stalin, in particular). But we did get her to talk about as well RFE - of which she is a fan - and she believes (as many do) that we should have more independent, external journalism not financed by companies. RFE didn't have to make money, it just wanted to tell the truth (of course a somewhat subjective and pro-America truth, but it balanced Soviet propoganda well). We just need some other planet to come in and finance some media for us, so journalism can have some of the economic pressures removed. I will be working on this for you. You're welcome.
So... break starts now! Friday Allyn, Breanne and I are supposed to be leaving for Athens. However, Greece right now is in a bit of a... well... this:

Which policeman are you in that picture? Did you bust skulls? I mean, yay, no more midterms for you. That must be de-lightful.
Thank you!
Hooray for alternative planetary journalism!
Thanks Ang!
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