Today I went off on my own to get some reading done and exploring in. I get much more of the "Prague" feeling when I walk around by myself. I went to "Bohemia Bagel" and did my East/Central European Politics reading. Bohemia Bagel honestly is about as American as it gets in Prague... there are bagels, American bacon, even apple pie... but it is really nice, and really grounding. It makes me feel less isolated to go to a familiar place like that. The music, I think, was my favorite part. They played "the end of the world as we know it," "everybody hurts," and, most wonderfully, "True to your heart," the Stevie Wonder & 98 degrees song from Disney's Mulan. Life is GREAT.
I then walked to school and checked out Kafka's "The Trial"... I was trying to read it at home before I left, but I got busy, and I was also being all ambitious and trying to read it in German. I think I'll calm down and do English first.
I took a tram up to Petrin... that nice park on a hill, and sat in a more secluded area, read and wrote a postcard. There are parts of this city that are just beautiful and tranquil and lovely. I can see why people wrote short stories here. The scenes are worth capturing.
I am really finding my way here. We live really close to the centers of both old & new town... and are a scenic 20-minute walk from school. I think I will be very comfortable with the layout here by the time I go home.
When I was in Lao I ate quiches every other day. I love the music at your place though.
Hooray! Things.
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