Life as an aspiring journalist has been going pretty well for me lately. In Media & Democracy class yesterday, we watched Citizen Kane and discussed it. It was a really neat film, and now I know who Orson Welles is! (other than "another guy who cameo-ed in the Muppet Movie")
Last night I went to my second student council meeting - I was assigned to cover the "Student Council Beat" for my Reporting class, and am supposed to write a story about the student council, their obstacles in creating a cohesive community at Anglo-American, and their attempt to overcome these obstacles through club parties. After the meeting I interviewed the President, who had a lot of opinions and concerns and is a very cool guy.
Today I was supposed to have an interview with another student council member (who also happens to work at the library and is very friendly), but I canceled it when EVERYTHIHG CHANGED.
My teacher sent out an e-mail to our class asking for someone to cover the upcoming US election--actually he said "BTW, anybody noticed we have an, um, election coming up rather soon that will have a major impact on the future of the world?" I responded that I was kinda sorta interested, and had just requested my absentee ballot with the help of some organization with a booth at a coffee shop-- see?

My teacher asked me to write an informational blurb (but he said "graf") for American students about getting an absentee ballot, which I just wrote and he just posted, and you can find here: http://www.lennonwall.net/ More on this topic to come!
In other journalism news, I am in the process of writing a short article for the PioLog about my study abroad experience - it is really hard to find a focus but it's coming. Apparently the PioLog had some weird printing issue this week, so I don't know when the next paper is coming out... but you'll be informed. Because you care!
Other than that, I have been enjoying my camera and trying to notice new things and new angles in Prague on my daily walk home from school. I go the same way, but I see new things--it helps that every building in this city is decorated from top to bottom and there's a statue around every other corner. Walking through the touristy old town square on Monday, I was amazed at how different it all looks from behind- I walk through there every day but saw it in a whole different light when it was framed this way. So, there's that.

My pictures from this week so far are up in an album, with captions, here: http://picasaweb.google.com/angelar.w/PragueLife#
PS - I did taebo twice so far this week, just following muted videos on youtube and putting on my indie/hipster music nice and loud so my apartmentmates don't judge me. It's fun, but it makes me feel pretty un-coordinated... who can kick and march and punch and twist all at the same time?
Also, I made myself fried chicken for lunch, to cancel that out.

Ange, that is pretty neat you are helping people to vote. I proud.
Also seeing things in different angles and such. I wish I could trail you on one of your daily walks.
Ah, Citizen Kane- I watched the very end years before I saw the entire movie- not a great approach really. I'm excited that you're finding more ways to get your articles into print! You take great pictures-I really enjoy seeing Prague through your camera.
Yay, Orson Welles is so cool. I made the picture you posted my desktop wallpaper. Also I read your article and found it informative. I nearly went to one of the websites and then I remembered, "oh wait, I'm not a BROAD!" har har...har.
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